Your New Beginning
Counseling & Family Services

Cherlyn Lane, MA, LMFT
(254) 300-8032 or
(254) 279-0589

Supervised Visitation and Exchange

Parents typically want to spend time with their children, but sometimes there are safety concerns with one or both of the parents. Concerns may include domestic violence, abuse, neglect or simply an unusual period of time in which the child has not seen the parent and needs to become reacquainted. Rather than forbid the parent(s) from seeing the child altogether, the court may order supervised visitation.
While supervised visitation may place certain restrictions on how a parent and child can spend their time together, it does allow a parent to spend quality time with their child and to continue cultivating a strong relationship.
At Your New Beginning, safety is top priority during supervised visitation and exchanges. Our focus is to protect the children and ensure that they have safe contact and interaction with one or both absent parents. We also aim to protect any child from being put in the middle of the parents’ conflicts.
The visitation supervisor will be present at all times during the visit and will be taking written and mental notes. The supervisor will be able to verify through detailed documentation exactly what happened during the visit.
Rest assured, supervisors are neutral and objective and ultimately have the family’s best interest at heart.
Supervised Visitation – the contact between a parent and his/her children while in the presence of a neutral third person. This person is responsible for observing and ensuring the safety of those involved, most importantly the children.
Supervised Exchange - a third person oversees the transfer of the child from one parent to the other. Supervision is limited to the exchange or transfer only. The remainder of the parent/child contact or visit is unsupervised.